Monday, March 24, 2008

Review for Matches 13-17


After a disappointing C-Division League..we are back again to playing these friendlies..
We have made some changes in strategy & i think it has worked out really well in the games we have played after the League.

Match 13 vs Bangalore Boys
Won 2-0
A great display by the whole team..we played some attractive football throught the game..we cud have scored more but a 2-0 win was enough to get our confidence back. Nari scored both the goals..& All the players looked sharp & passed around beautifully..

Man of the Match - Nari

Match 14 Vs Bangalore Boys
Won 2-1
Here again we continued our fine form from the previous game..with Lohith back in the team we looked even more threatening..the amount of possession we held..we shud have scored more. We conceded a pretty tame consolation goal to them..Vasu was the pick of the players.

Man of the Match - Lohith/Vasu

Match 15 Vs Bangalore Boys
Won 4-2
This was a well fought out match after 2 onesided games..but here again we held the majority of possession & opened the scoring with the much confident Swamy..followed by a goal each by Darshan, Vasu & Lohith..The defence did a fine job to cut out the opposition in closing stages of the match.

Man of the Match - Swamy/Vasu

Match 16 Vs Bangalore Boys
Lost 0-2
Controlled the game right till the end..but cudnt score..& our new defence & goalee Srinidhi made mistakes to let them take 2-0 lead..which cost us the match. But the positive was thing is that we created more than a dozen opportunities in front of the goal..

Man of the Match - Dhruva

Match 17 Vs Bangalore Boys
Lost 1-2
A repeat of the previous game..but the opposition looked much sharper here..after conceding the first goal..we played excellent football to draw level with a strike from Chander..but once again our new look defence allowed too much space & our goalee was not upto the mark to stop them from taking the lead..

Man of the Match - None

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