Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Review for Week 35 : 2 Exciting Draws


Both the games this week were against a new team who look technical very good. The first game was very fast..with both teams looking to attack..but it was Hoysalas who had more possession & twice came back from a goal down. It was unfortunate that we drew the game..where we had played very well..A couple of goalkeeping errors were enough for the opposition to score 2 goals..But overall we would take it as each & every player played his part pretty well..Biddu ofcourse standing out with his two goals.

Man of the Match - Biddu

This game was as exciting as the previous one..only that both the teams were unable to score..& this time too we had controlled the game all along..We had around half a dozen of chances missed..A great show by the defensive midfield trio of Swamy, Girish & Madan & an outstanding performance by Chander..made the opposition life difficult & they didnt even have a shot at goal..

Man of the Match - Chander


Sunil HH said...

getting better and better, thats good news, Not even allowing a single shot on the goal is a marvellous news, hope this strength and confidence sticks forward for the next games and next season :)

By the way who is leading the team.

Raj said...

from past 3 matches its me..but it doesnt matter..if we have the whole team