Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Review for week 21 : Another miserable week


Its getting worse week by week for us..and the saddest part is that everyone seems to have lost the desire to win a game..

Vs Vinayaka

lost 0-4

A miserable performance where we took the ball to opponents 'D' only once..nothing else to write about this match

Man of the Match : None

lost 1-3

Good amount of ball possession & more than a dozen opportunities to score & we lost the match by 1-3. Everyone played pretty badly except me.. i m sorry to say this but everyone lacked basic football instincts in the match..its the fourth match aginst NITTE & i still wonder how can we loose all the 4 matches to them..they are way below us in terms experience & skills.

Man of the Match : Raja

Lets hope everything goes on well from next week..& please make sure to Participate in the HFL from next week onwards..

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