Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Review for Week 6 : Great performance from the teenagers


With almost a second string team..Hoysalas managed to hold Bangalore University to a 2-2 draw.
Shashi & the two new kids Harish & Darshan put up a spirited performance to get the Hoysalas back into the game after ordinary performance in the first half. Shashi especially played very well & assisted both the goals with great support from Girish who was as usual at his best. The performance wasnt beautiful but all the players worked hard to level the game at 2-2.

Man of the Match - Shashi

Note : Madan, Vasu, Abhijeet, Mahesh, Chandru, Dinesh..please let us know ur commitment for the the league is nearing we dont want to be left with 7-8 players..if u guys let it know ASAP..we can sign up some new players or we can ask Dhruva, Lohith & Vrishabh to be a part of the team for the league. And if Mahesh (Goalee) doesnt come from next week .. i will be taking over as the No 1 Goalee of the team for the league...and Das will be the backup Goalee.


Srinidhi said...

It was a magnificient week for hoysalas especially harish, Shashi & Girish, and even importantly windoor. Even though match resulted in draw, i can clearly see the spirit is high we will do it in league.

Vasu said...
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Vasu said...

Hi guys,

Its vasu again. I know all of you are having question marks about my commitment to the game. I dont know how to prove it but i want to continue to play for Hoysalas as this was the team which gave me the spirit and the energy to be what i am in football. I know i have been irregular to the matches and the practice but it does not mean i am not committed. I will make sure that i will attend the matches regularly after the 27-May 2007 weekend. If you guys feel that you cant give me enough time, you can go ahead and erase my name from the league list. I am not writing this out of frustration because I know how it feels when only 8 players go to the ground and need to face 11 opposite players. I will be happy to play with Hoysalas forever.


Raj said...

Good to hear that Vasu...its the spirit towards the team that matters..even if u r not present physically..if u have the feeling for ur team thats more than enough..i dont want to erase any of our players name from the league list..thats the reason i have been putting up these things frequently...We have been playing together for the past 5 years so it would be terrible to miss out on any of the players for the league..lets keep the spirits high

Vasu said...

Great words Raj...It has given me a sense of relief..I will always be a Hoysalas team member.
