Monday, January 14, 2008

Review for Week 1&2 : A terrific start to the season


After a dissapointing last season..hoysalas made a bright start to the new season with 3 successive wins..

Game 1
Vs Dhruva's Team
won 4-1

A great game to start the season..where we completely dominated the game from start to finish. Darshan scored a cheeky goal, the first for the season, but the real performer was Harish who scored a Hatrick..Mahesh was great as well ..he made couple of great saves. Swamy in the absence of Chander led the defense really well. Vasu & Girish did there midfield job well too.

Man of the Match - Harish

Game 2
vs Bangalore Boys
Won 2-0

A dissapointing first half followed by a dominating second half gave us the second win this season. With almost full team at our disposal we should have done better in the first half. The game changed once Sunil came in as substitue & created a number of chances..Vrushabh heade the first goal after a great cross from Sunil. Vasu scored from outside the D to give us a comfortable 2-0 win in the end. Vasu was the standout performer in the game.

Man of the Match - Vasu

Game 3
vs Bangalore Boys
Won 3-1

We had our full set of players for this match, & started vere well..We dominated the entire first half & were leading by 2-0 at the break, Biddu & Dhruva scored a goal each. But the second half was contrastingly different..we gave away too many easy balls & allowed the opposition space in our half, they pulled back a goal shortly after the second half started..& due to some good work by Chander, Vasu & Girish we somehow maintained the lead..Sunil who was impressive in the previous match combined well with Narayan to score the third goal to seal the victory.

Man of the Match - Girish & Vasu

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Season Review : A Poor start…poorer mid-season & a good finish..


The season started on a good note..A draw against Ganganagar team in the first match, followed by a win against Bangalore University..but after that teams performance dipped drastically..We won only 2 of the next 30 matches..25 losses & 3 draws..worst possible record for any football club. It was not helped by some of the players who with no reasons started to miss the matches & we were left with 6-7 regular players. After some more losses, we were able to find some new players..Shashi was the first one followed by Abhiram, Sameera, Darsha, Harish, Karthik & Narayan. And suddenly all the players who were absent for previous matches began to turn up..and we expected a better performance by the team but we continued losing against some ordinary teams like NITTE & a good team Vinayaka. After 22 games without a win we registered two seccessive wins against Young Boys, from then on the confidence of the team grew & we did get a few good results against rajarajeswaringar team & ended the season rather well.

Main reason for our poor season

1.We played 50 games this season..and only 6 players played in 40+ matches & we never really got the right combination.

2. Our main goalee has played only 25 games this season which means either Raja or Das had to fill the position. With Swamy’s back injury & Biddu’s absence it would have been great if both of them could have played in there respective positions.

3. New players took some time to settle into the team..& it costed us a few matches

4. Biddu, Chander, Vasu & Girish have missed majority of the matches..if they would have turned up for more matches..the results would have been different.

Top 3 Performers of this season(Voted by Raja, Srini & Swamy)

  1. Hemanth (Das)
  2. Chander & Vasu
  3. Girish & Harish

Goal Scorers

1. Hemanth - 22

2. Biddu - 21

3. Vasu - 07

4. Darshan - 06

5. Srinidhi - 05

6. Harish - 04

7. Raja & Shashikiran - 03

8. Madan, Sunil, Chander

& Narayan - 02

9. Swamy, Dinesh, Arun

& Karthik - 01

Man of the match on most occasions

Das - 10

Vasu - 09

Girish - 07

Biddu - 06

Harish - 05

Team Performance against all opposition

Matches Played









Win Percentage









Team Performance against Various Opponents


Matches Played









Bangalore University








Cox Town Team







Dhruva’s Team



















Rajarajeswarinagar Team















Young Boys






Individual Statistics & Performace Rating


Matches Played – 22/50

Position – Defensive Midfielder

Goals - 0

He was very good at holding the midfield & moving the ball around..missed most of the matches in the first half..but was regular player in the second half.

Rating - 6/10


Matches Played – 12/50

Position – Right Midfield

Goals – 0

A good player with quick feet & pace..was good whenever he was on the field..but to be true he didn’t get as many opportunities to prove his worth.

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 14/50

Position – Defensive Midfielder

Goals – 1

Hasn’t been regular this season due to his work..he scored one gem of a goal against BU, other than that he had a pretty average season.

Rating 4/10


Matches Played – 16/50

Position – Centre Forward

Goals – 21

One of the primary reasons for Hoysalas to have a bad season was the absence of Biddu in most of the matches..but whenever he has played the team have won on most occasions..21 goals from 16 matches shows just how important he is to the team.

Rating 9/10


Matches Played – 22/50

Position – Centre Back

Goals – 2

As much as we missed Biddu..we missed Chander for most part of the season..played a major part in getting the team on track during the final months of the season. Has played as centre back all season & he is one of the best defenders I have seen.

Rating 8/10


Matches Played – 18/50

Position – Midfield

Goals – 0

He is a enigma..practices 365 days a year but doesn’t take part in matches..He is one of the most improved players since we started 5 years back..He has played very well whenever he is on the field.

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 30/50

Position – Centre Forward

Goals – 6

One of the finds of the season..he joined us in the middle of the season..started pretty poorly..but once he warmed up to the team, he has been terrific..a perfect partner to Biddu..

Rating 8/10


Matches Played – 11/50

Position – Left Midfield

Goals – 1

Another irregular player..started promisingly 2-3 years back..but hasn’t performed to the expected levels..and this season he hasn’t got much opportunity either.

Rating 4/10


Matches Played – 23/50

Position – Defensive Midfield

Goals – 0

A consistent performer..plays with loadzz of commitment & passion. He is one of the best performers for this season. It is boon for the defence to have him in the he wins more than 50% of the opposition balls himself..& also has assisted in number of goals scored by us.

Rating 9/10


Matches Played – 31/50

Position – Attacking Midfielder

Goals – 4

Another find of the season..has impressed one & all..has great ball control & a terrific shoot & great pace..Like Darshan started pretty poorly but has outperformed most of the senior players lately..He scored the goal of the season against RFC..a thunder strike from 30 yards..

Rating 9/10

Hemanth (Das)

Matches Played – 45/50

Position – Centre Forward/Goalee/Attacking Midfield

Goals – 22

The number of position he plays shows how much important he is to the team..TOP scorer with 22 goals this season. Most of the matches he had to play on his own with very little support..he has done a great job with limited support. He is the numero uno goalee for us as well..individually he has had his best year.

Rating 9/10


Matches Played – 42

Position – Left Back

Goals – 0

A poor season for him considering he had a very very good time last season. He has played well in parts..but overall hasn’t been as tight as one would expect a left back to be..hoping for a improved performance from him next season

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 24/50

Position – Any defensive position

Goals – 1

Yet another find for Hoysalas this season..a youngster willing to play at the back..thats hard to get. A fully committed player..he is clone of Swamy, has great physical strength & gud with the air balls..but has to improve on his ball controlling skills. He has had a terrific season..doing good as right back as well as centre back.

Rating 8/10


Matches Played – 31/50

Position – Defensive Midfield

Goals – 2

My Brother!!He has been more regular than all the past seasons & also one of the best performers this season. A perfect partner for Girish..plays his game hard & has improved on the physical aspect of the game..scored a absolute gem of a goal against RCF when the team needed the most.

Rating 8/10


Matches Played – 25/50

Position – Goalee

Goals – 0

He has had a mixed season..he has been good in parts. One of the reasons for that is he has played ony half the games. He has made some outstanding saves..but at the same time he has been poor with easy balls..expecting a better performance from him next season.

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 17/50

Position – Left Midfield

Goals - 2

Nani joined us during the second half of the season & has filled the position at left midfield very well. With his height & physical strength he has troubled the opposition at times…but if he adds a yard of pace.. he could be much better. I like his positive attitude towards the game

Rating 7/10


Matches Played – 48/50

Position – Centre Back/Goalee

Goals – 3


Matches Played – 15/50

Position – Right Midfield

Goals – 0

He was one of the new players who joined us this season..but frankly we didn’t give him enough chances, but he looks quite promising.

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 20/50

Position – Attacking Midfielder

Goals – 3

My favourite player..A great find for us..played extremely well .. but has been irregular. Scored a hatrick against Malleshwaram team & he is one of the most promising footballer I have seen alongwith Darshan & Harish.

Rating 7/10


Matches Played – 44/50

Position – Centre Forward/Left Back

Goals – 5

Heart of the team…a tremendous team player..he is one of the main source of JOSH to the team. By his standards started pretty poorly..than played as centre forward..did an average job there..but switched back to left back where he plays is best & he has been very good in the last few matches of the season.

Rating 6/10


Matches Played – 24/50

Positing – Right Midfield

Goals – 2

One of the most committed player of our team..played very well this season. He was one of the driving force during the bad times this season..we really do miss him a lot.

Rating 6/10


Matches Played – 47/50

Position – Centre Back/Defensive Midfield

Goals – 1

Committed but not confident..he had a pretty average season. A back injury & coupled with lack of confidence he had some poor games. Scored more in our own net than opposition..but he is a complete team man..& one of the key to keeping the team together.

Rating 5/10


Matches Played – 31/50

Position – Right Midfield/Defensive Midfield

Goals - 7

A very good season for Vasu..third highest goals scorer for us this season. Looked extremely sharp. He is the one of the best performers this season..supports both defenders & strikers.quite well,,one has to admire his stamina..i think nobody else in our team runs around as much as he does..

Rating 9/10


Matches Played – 46/50

Position – Right Back

Goals - 0

It was a mixed season for Windy..took over the captaincy & a player started poorly but looked sharp toward the end of the season. Apart from playing, he is the entertainer of our team...

Rating 6/10

Indrajeet & Sevu

Has played only 2 games for us this season..both of them look promising..

Friday, January 4, 2008

Review for the Final Week(36) of the Season 2007 : MIxed Result

Happy New Year to All

The Last week of the season saw us lose 0-4 to vinayaka & the next day win 4-0 against Dhruva's Team.
Goal Keeping blunders wrecked any hope of getting a good result against Vinayaka..a mistake each by Das, Raja & Swamy cost us the match. Other than the goal keepers everyone played there part well & we matched them with possession & attack..only thing that lacked was, finishing by our strikers.

Man of the Match - None

A great game to finish off the season..a clinical performance with complete control of the game..Biddu scored his 3rd hatrick of the season & Vasu added one in dying moments to give Hoysalas a 4-0 Victory. There were only positives & good performances in this match..which give great hope for the new season..

Man of the Match - Biddu

Will post the Season review on Monday....